
Hi. My name is Nicholas Carreno. I currently attend Biola University. I study business marketing and integrated media journalism. I enjoy connecting my work to my passions, and that is what this website is all about. I love creating digital media & art in order to connect & market  to wider audiences. Feel free to explore my e-portfolio in order to learn about my qualifications and understand my career ambitions. Enjoy.

recent projects.

Money & Happiness ——————— Crowell School of Business

(Los Angeles, CA)

To communicate my research on economics on the correlation between money & happiness, I created an aesthetically appealing video with stop-motion and white board animation.

Brand Marketing Consultant ——— Big Slice Pizza

Fullerton, CA)

Through market research, I localized the brand to reflect the needs of the community and to best KNOW the customers of Big Slice Pizza. I identified positive and negative efficiencies in budget and product.

International House of Drinks —— SMU Missions Conference 2018

(La Mirada, CA)

For SMU Missions Conference 2018, the largest student-led conference, we marketed and executed a successful cultural event representing 7 countries, 7 missions teams, and 7 drinks.

brands i've worked with